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  • 26 February - Are supermarkets price gouging or just doing business?

26 February - Are supermarkets price gouging or just doing business?

The place to go for conversations about the news

The place to go for conversations about the news

G’day and welcome to News Club

It’s the BBQ stopper of our time - how much things cost at the supermarket. Compounded by COVID supply chain craziness, lingering inflation, and questions about the retailers’ profit margins, it’s a conversation that is at the intersection of consumers and politics. 

It also had a news ‘moment’ last week when retiring CEO of Woolworths Brad Banducci walked out of (and returned to…) a Four Corners interview. But in recent months there has been lots of takes on competition in the supermarket sector, prices - and on what to do about the cost of living crunch. 

Long story short, it’s prime News Club material… Our Club Picks this week follow - they include a straight up and down graph on market share; a link to ABC TV’s Four Corners investigation called Super Power; and then we head over to the Financial Review’s editorial pages for a different political angle. 

We hope this helps you wrap your head around the nuances in this debate and that you’ll feel a little more informed when you get to the checkout. 

As always, all the material we refer to is available via our Instagram channel @thesquiznewsclub. And scroll down to take part in our poll this week - we’re keen to know what you think when it comes to our supermarkets. 

Your friends in news, 

Kate Watson and Claire Kimball

Club Picks

To Squiz

This graph on the market share of different supermarkets in Australia. It’s the backbone for the conversation and a great factual starting point.

To watch

The Four Corners episode on the tactics supermarkets are using to keep prices high and competition out. It includes the clip of Woolies boss Brad Banducci’s uncomfortable clash with journalist Angus Grigg.

To read

This editorial in the Financial Review says the price gouging claims levelled against the Coles and Woolworths are a bit of a beat-up. Instead, they say it has more to do with the pressure the Albanese Government is facing on the cost of living.

We’re all ears…

Do you think supermarkets have everyone's best interest at heart?

We want to know what you think - click to cast your vote.

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Got questions?

Hit reply with everything you’re dying to know. You can also DM us on Insta @thesquiznewsclub - we’re all ears.

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26 February