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  • 6 February 2024 - News Club intro

6 February 2024 - News Club intro

The place for conversations about the news

The place to go for conversations about the news

G’day and welcome to News Club…

Each day we get out of bed to make the news easier for you…

  • Easier to wrangle with the Squiz Today newsletter and podcast that put what you need to get started in one place.

  • Easier to make sense of with Squiz Shortcuts tackling the backstory to the big news stories each week.

  • And easier to enjoy with our weekend review via the Saturday Squiz newsletter and Weekly Wrap podcast.

But we think there’s a gap we can fill to lift your engagement with us and the news. Enter News Club… 

Designed to help you become informed about the big issues of our time, we’ll curate the best overview and package it up so you can develop your own informed opinions. How it will go is:

Monday - Launching next week, the News Club weekly newsletter will zero in on one news topic and give you some suggested reading, watching, and listening. If you’re reading this, you’re on the list already, so no action is needed. And if this isn’t your thing, no dramas. You can hit unsubscribe in the email footer.

Tuesday - A fresh News Club podcast will drop. We’ll be in your ears discussing the topic and the news coverage around it. Plus, we’ll answer your questions and take your comments.

Saturday - The Weekly Wrap podcast drops. If you’re not already a listener, it’s dedicated to wrapping up the week in news and giving you a heads up on what’s coming up.

As you can tell, we’re keen to have you involved in News Club - our aim is to keep you at the heart of our news conversations. It will provide a place for you to engage with the news, to ask questions, to share your thoughts and to make suggestions.

We’re excited, we hope you are too. Even if you’re just a little intrigued, we’ll take it... Follow News Club on Apple and Spotify, and find us on Instagram here - @thesquiznewsclub.

Talk soon,
Claire Kimball and Kate Watson

PS… To get us started, we’ve opened up a bit…

Longtime Squizers know we’re not much into talking about ourselves. But in the spirit of sharing, Claire and Kate have recorded a pre-News Club podcast about how The Squiz came to be and why News Club is the next step. Give it a listen.

Got questions?

Hit reply with everything you’re dying to know. You can also DM us on Instagram @thesquiznewsclub - we’ve got lots planned for this account so be sure to chuck us a follow.

Want more Squiz?

As we mentioned, we’re here to make the news easier for you.
Squiz Today - your shortcut to being informed. Click here to get the weekday news wrap in your inbox, or follow on Apple or Spotify.
Squiz Shortcuts - the backstory to the big news stories. Click here to get it in your inbox, or hit follow on Apple or Spotify to get it in your ears.
Saturday Squiz - news, weekend style. Click here to get it in your inbox.
Squiz Kids - an award-winning podcast for kids aged 8-12yos. Follow on Apple or Spotify.