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  • 12 February 2024 - Is Biden too old to be President?

12 February 2024 - Is Biden too old to be President?

The place for conversations about the news

The place to go for conversations about the news

G’day and welcome to our first-ever News Club

We made a promise to you that News Club would be the place to go for conversations about the news. So we thought we’d really go for it for the first episode and get into that small matter of the man who runs the most powerful country in the world and whether he is fit to do so. 

We’re talking about Joe Biden, of course, and it’s been a big talking point since before he was elected president in 2020. His many gaffes since becoming president have helped to keep it in the news.

It’s in focus this week because of a report into his handling of classified documents. The Special Counsel Report that dropped on Friday concluded that charges would not be brought against Biden because he would be difficult to convict, describing him as a “well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory”.

So, this question about his age and fitness for office is well and truly on the agenda, and it’s now very clear that it’s a problem for Biden that is not going away as he heads towards an election campaign. 

Dive into our News Club recommendations below to join the conversation. And just a note on that - every week, we will provide you with recommendations to help you stay abreast of the topic at hand. We’ll do the heavy lifting for you so you get a few takes on a topic from a variety of news sources. 

Got questions or thoughts? We’ve got space for that too… Just hit reply with what’s on your mind, and we’ll do our best to tackle it in the podcast, which drops tomorrow. There’s so much more rolling out on the @thesquiznewsclub Instagram account. Give it a follow so you don’t miss a thing. 

And finally, thank you for being part of the News Club

Kate and Claire

PS If it’s not for you, we won’t take it personally - just hit unsubscribe at the bottom of this email.

News Club recommendations

To listen

Politico Playbook’s 10-minute podcast episode goes into the nuts and bolts of the Special Counsel’s report, what was said, and how it’s relevant to Biden’s candidacy in the US presidential election.

To read

This Sydney Morning Herald/The Age opinion piece by Bruce Wolpe explores what it would look like if Biden did step aside for the 2024 election. Wolpe has worked in the US Congress for the Democrats and was Julia Gillard’s chief of staff for a time when she was PM.

To read

This SBS article zooms out on the question of leadership and age. There’s a great graph comparing the ages of world leaders.

We’re all ears…

Polling in the US shows 59% of voters think Biden and Trump are too old to hold office. Do you agree?

We want to know what you think - click to cast your vote.

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Got questions?

Hit reply with everything you’re dying to know. You can also DM us on Insta @thesquiznewsclub - we’re all ears.

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The back story to The Squiz
Longtime Squizers know we’re not much into talking about ourselves. But in the spirit of sharing Kate and Claire delve into how The Squiz came to be, and why News Club is the next step. Listen time: 17 mins.

PS Make sure you’ve hit follow on Apple and Spotify.