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  • 24 April 2024 - What Squizers said about Ozempic

24 April 2024 - What Squizers said about Ozempic

The place to go for conversations about the news

The place to go for conversations about the news

Hey Squizer. This week in News Club we tackled the weighty issue of Ozempic.

The drug is the poster child for new drugs that could revolutionise weight management here in Australia and across the world - but it’s not without it issues…

To listen to that episode and get across our Club Picks - the best news items we found and curated for you - dive in here.

What Squizers had to say…

Each Monday, we send you our News Club newsletter outlining the week’s topic - and we ask for your take on it via a poll that also gives you the ability to leave us a comment.

Because Squizers are awesome, we receive hundreds of responses - sometimes thousands. That feedback feeds our comments section of the News Club podcast, which comes out on a Tuesday.

But because you’re a newsletter person who might not dive into the podcast (and we reckon you should, it’s great…),we wanted to make sure you don’t miss out on the poll results.

So now we’ve explained that - onto this week… On Monday, we asked you if your top health concern was managing your weight. [Drumroll…] 58% of you said yep, it’s the thing I think about the most. Here’s some of what you told us:

 I have no underlying health concerns but am overweight and think this issue will underpin bigger health issues as I age if not controlled. My weight worries me, not so much for aesthetics but for my longevity and my quality of life in older age

I was using Ozempic for weight loss for 8 months. It was a lifesaver and worked so well. But it became so hard to get and there was so much stigma around its use, that I gave up using it.

My top concern is obtaining Ozempic to treat my diabetes but people with weight problems are stopping this as it has become harder to get.

I'm more interested in health and wellbeing than what the numbers on a scale or tape measure say.

Next Monday when you see the poll in the News Club newsletter, get involved. And if you’ve participated in the past and left us a comment - thank you. It’s great to get to know you better.


How do I podcast?

We recently asked if you planned to listen to our News Club episode, and a few Squizers said they weren’t sure how to listen to podcasts. Here’s a handy how-to guide for listening to podcasts on your phone/computer/smart speaker.

Got questions/feedback?

Hit reply with everything you’re dying to know or tell us. You can also DM us on Insta @thesquiznewsclub - we’re all ears.

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