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  • 18 March 2024 - The royals and that photo that won’t go away

18 March 2024 - The royals and that photo that won’t go away

The place to go for conversations about the news

The place to go for conversations about the news

Hi Squizer

We umm’d and ahh’d about this week’s News Club topic. Questions like ‘are people still interested?’, ‘is it too old?’, ‘is it too gossipy’ and ‘can we all just leave Kate alone?’ were the kinds of conversations we were having. But the news around Princess Kate, her whereabouts, and that photo keep on keeping on - so here we are... 

We’ve decided to proceed with this topic for a few reasons. First is this issue of trust in our institutions - it’s not going away. Second, we asked Squizers about it being this week’s topic, and over 60% of you said you wanted it. And third, we found some illuminating coverage that you might have missed unless you dedicated quite a bit of time to find.

So royal dramas it is with 3 Club Picks this week:

  1. This interview with BuzzFeed News’ former royal reporter on how the game works between the palace and the press. And it has a handy/extensive timeline of events. 

  2. A piece in The Scotsman about why this is more than a photo editing fail - it’s about the distribution of information and how lawmakers can address manipulated images and fake news. 

  3. A video of White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre answering questions about Kate’s pic. It got us thinking about the difference between ‘digitally altered’ and deep fakes and how it relates to the upcoming US election. 

As you can see, it’s about a lot more than a royal pile-on. The News Club podcast is out tomorrow where we’ll get into these important themes. Please let us know what’s on your mind or ask us a question by hitting reply to this email. And we have a poll about trust below - we’re keen for your take. 

Your friends in news
Kate Watson and Claire Kimball

PS If you’re wondering what other topics we had in mind it was Russia’s election or TikTok. Russia’s election result will be covered this week on Squiz Today - they even have a Squiz Shortcut on it if you want the background. 

As for TikTok, well, the bill still has to pass the US Senate and that might take some time… When that happens - we’ll be all over it. 

We’re all ears

Do you think the scrutiny around Kate is fair?

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As part of News Club each Saturday we host the Weekly Wrap podcast. It’s - as it says on the tin - a wrap of the week in news and a look at what's coming up. We reckon this review from one listener sums it up…

“This weekly wrap up of news is my go to with a coffee on a Saturday morning. It catches me up on the week's events in a concise and engaging format. Claire and Kate skillfully wrap up the week's news with insightful analysis and a friendly demeanor, making it both informative and enjoyable to listen to. Also feel they are balanced and simply deliver facts- not commentary. They really make me feel like I’m part of their club.”

Listen here or on your fave podcast app (Apple and Spotify).

Got questions?

Hit reply with everything you’re dying to know. You can also DM us on Insta @thesquiznewsclub - we’re all ears.

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