13 March 2024 - Survey request

The place to go for conversations about the news

The place to go for conversations about the news

Hi Squizers

In News Club this week we dived into Meta and their recent decision not to re-sign deals with some Aussie news publishers. It's a decision that sets in motion a ripple effect that could spell big changes for our media scene. One possible scenario: Meta might pull news content from Facebook and Instagram altogether, as they did in Canada.

What it means for news publishers, including The Squiz, is a whole thing - especially when it comes to finding and growing audiences. So, we figured, why not seize the moment and send you a quick survey about paying for news.

Seven questions, 2 minutes, and it'd mean the world if you could share your thoughts. And don’t worry - we’re fine, but the information will help us to steer the ship as we look towards the future.

Your friends in news
Claire Kimball & Kate Watson

PS: If you’re not across what we are talking about, have a listen to our News Club episode on ‘Meta’s beef with news’ here.

One more thing…

If you’re keen to help, sharing our News Club newsletter (or any of The Squiz newsletters and podcasts) with your friends/family/colleagues/barista makes the world of difference. Get them to sign up here or give us a listen over on Apple/Spotify.

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